The Art In Nature/The Nature Of Art Festival, an outdoor arts festival, happens in Redwood Regional Park in Oakland California. I found out about the festival just a few days before it happened, so I could not be officially included, but decided it to be a perfect venue for me to present and so did anyway.

I started from the outside the park walking up about a mile and a half to a spot I had picked. I had one bright blue feather in my hair and my tiny eyes costume on. I concentrated on eliciting the response while moving the spot. When I got to the spot among the trees I removed my shoes and began to more fully concentrate on surrender and the resulting ecstatic movement. I was joined by a young woman who wanted to dance with me and did so for about 15 minutes before she moved on. I continued for about 90 minutes. Some stopped and watched curiously, many others just passed by. At a point of fatigue I laid down and rested for a while, arising to see a friend who was just that moment passing by and had missed the piece entirely, but was with me when other came up to ask me about what I was doing.
